P1 athlete visa is for applicants coming to the US to temporarily perform at a specific athletic competition as an athlete at an internationally recognized level of performance either individually or as part of a group or team.

Individual Athletes

Individuals applying for a P1 athlete visa must be coming to the US to participate in individual event, competition or performance in which they are internationally recognized with a high level of achievement and evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition substantially above that ordinarily encountered so that the achievement is renowned, leading or well known in more than one country.

Athletic Teams

Athletic teams applying for a P1 athlete visas must be coming to the US to participate in team or group events and must have achieved significant international recognition in the sport. The event in which the team or group is participating must be distinguished and require the participation of athletic teams of international recognition.

Self Help

US State Department - P1 Athlete Visa

Foreign Affairs Manual - P1 Athlete Visa

USCIS - P1 Athlete Visa